The Last Guardian (PS4)Announced the first time in the show Electronics Entertainment Expo (E3) 2015, The Last Guardian became one of the latest games that are worth the wait presence in 2016.Latest game made by Sony Computer Entertainment is the concept of gameplay similar to Shadow of the Colossus and Ico was actually already passed a fairly long development process that is 10 years old. To launch schedule definitely have to wait for further news from Sony.
Final Fantasy XV (PS4 and Xbox One)The same fate as The Last Guardian, the latest game Final Fantasy XV takes a very long development from 2006.After years of waiting, finally the pegembang, Hajime Tabata, provide leak earlier game called Final Fantasy Versus XIII will slide in 2016.
Dark Souls III (PS4, Xbox One and PC)If you've played past Bloodborne 2016, Dark Souls III definitely become one of the highly anticipated game. Latest game Dark Souls III could not be separated from the hand of the genius creator, Hidetaka Miyazaki, who also refine Bloodborne.So, it is definitely the most Dak Souls III game will be filled with shades so dark and gripping, and certainly no less exciting with the two previous sequels.
Batman-A Telltale Games Series (Platform: TBA)2015 Warner Bros and Rocksteady can be proud with the game Batman: Arkham Knight of the highlights of the players. But in 2016, probably will be his latest game Telltale.Developers from the United States was known expert in gush game series and movie adaptations episodically, call it The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.Intrigued by the latest Batman game Talltale version? Wait until the developer gives leak next year.
Edge of Nowhere (Oculus Rift)It is not likely, 2016 will be a year of revival Oculus Rift. The proof, one game is being prepared by Insomniac Games for the virtual reality device.However, the latest game Edge of Nowhere developed not for the first-person viewpoint, but rather for a third-person viewpoint.
Gears of War 4 (Xbox One)If indeed be released in 2016, then Gears of Wars will be one of the first series of the latest games released since Microsoft acquired Brand. That is, Gears of War 4 will also be worked out by the Coalition, is no longer Epic Games.For the players Xbox One, Gears of War 4 into one of the latest games are worth waiting for his presence this year.
Horizon Zero Dawn (PS4)Latest action RPG game, Horizon Zero Down made by Guerrilla Games brings adventure background exterminate the dinosaurs that became extinct millions of years ago.However, dinosaurs in the latest games is not present in the original dinosaur movie Jurassic Park. However you will find a bunch of robot dinosaurs like in the movie Transformers.
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)Latest games Uncharted 4 is predicted will be the final series of the life story of the main character, Nathan Drake.As is known, became one of the game Uncharted exclusive Sony whose name has been so popular across generations. It is not possible, the release time Naughty Dog game made it worth the wait presence.In addition to some of the latest games above, the following list of other games that will slide in 2016:- Quantum Break (Xbox One)- The Legend of Zelda (Wii U)- Hitman (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC -11 March 2016)- Gravity Rush 2 (PlayStation 4-2016)- Mass Effect: Andromeda (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC - 2016)- Mighty 9 (PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Vita, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, 3DS, PC - February 9, 2016)- Mirror's Edge Catalyst (PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC - May 24, 2016)- Persona 5 (PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4-2016)- No Man's Sky (PlayStation 4 and PC - June 2016)- Ratchet & Clank (PlayStation 4 - 12 April 2016)- Recore (Xbox One - June 2016)- Street Fighter V (PlayStation 4 and PC - February 16, 2016)- Star Fox Zero (Wii U - 22 April 2016)
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